Deakin Dentists
Dr. Neil Chesman Ken Ho
02 6281 4666 - 02 62827711
02 6281 4666 - 02 62827711
At 53 I noticed my teeth and smile were deteriorating rapidly. Through recommendations and several hours searching the internet I came across the Cosmetic Dentists of Australia web site and learnt how this group of dentists have all been trained at one of Americas Premier Dental Training Institutes, the Las Vegas Institute of advanced dental studies. I chose one of these CDA dentists to give me a New Smile makeover, and since then I have never smiled with so much confidence. My new smile changed my life…. I did it….. Why don’t you.?.


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Cosmetic Dentures

Deakin dentists is very proud to provide the ultimate in cosmetic dentures. We understand what really makes a great smile so we can create natural, beautiful and most importantly comfortable dentures.

We use only the best materials to record very accurate measurements to help us construct the ultimate cosmetic denture for you. Detailed recording of your gum area will be taken. We also take a computerized bite analysis to ensure that your new cosmetic denture is the most comfortable for your mouth.

Our master ‘denture Makeover’ technician will then meet you to accomplish the perfect shape and colour of teeth that best suits you. Your input will be highly valued at every visit so that your cosmetic denture is individual to meet all your needs and concerns.

Cosmetic Dentures Before After Pics Before After Pictures Cosmetic Dentures
Cosmetic Dentures Before After Cosmetic Dentures Before After Photos
Cosmetic Dentures Before After Cosmetic Dentures Before After pictures